Friday, November 11, 2011

27 weeks!!

So today we reach 27 weeks! It's kind of fun that the start of each week falls on a Friday. Gives me something to look forward to since I am not exactly the most exciting person these days hahah

I started bi-weekly NSTs this week (non stress tests) and so far they have been going great. The first nurse actually commented on how well they did considering how young the babies are. Usually they don't see patients until after 32 weeks, so these guys are much smaller than the babies they typically monitor. My nurse today wasn't super friendly, but hey- it's Friday so I can understand that she may just be ready for the weekend. LOL!

Yesterday I met with Angel Watch.  Angel Watch is a hospice program available for free through IHC, for families that are expecting a child with a fatal diagnosis.  It is ran by two amazing woman- one is a pediatric nurse and one is grief counselor.  I was sort of dreading the meeting but I am super glad I went through with it. They provided me with a lot of information on what is available to us and helped me work through some of the tougher decisions we have to make. They also let me know that even though we are choosing comfort care for Adrian (no medical intervention), we are still able to provide him with oxygen, pain meds, and anxiety meds if he needs it. Also, we can even change our minds once he is born, if it appears he is doing really well, and request that they start providing him with medical help at that time.This made me feel a lot better about our decision.
  Another awesome thing they do is they will actually call the hospital for us when we are on our way, and let them know about our situation and request the best nurses they have on staff.  They will also let them know that we will have a lot of family there, and that we expect them all to be allowed in the room once the babies are born. This is such a huge relief since I know all too well how quickly things start happening once you go into labor. This way we have someone advocating for us so all we have to do is focus on getting the babies here. responded to me today! They are a family that lost their daughter to trisomy 18 and started a non profit where they pay for a 3d/4d ultrasound for families with a fatal diagnosis.  I am excited to take them up on their offer and I am so grateful for them doing this for us. It will give us a sneak peak at Adrian and also give us some time with him in case he passes before or during the birth.

Julie from NILMDTS also got back to me so we now have a photographer set up for when the babies are born. Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep is another non profit organization that works with families like ours to provide photography for free.

I have a lot of people to thank once this is all over and the babies are here. It's amazing what these people are doing for families like ours and I will definitely make sure to be an advocate for them once this is all over!

Wow what a week! It's nice to feel like I have some control in this completely out of control situation. One thing that the gals from Angel Watch said that really stuck with me is - Plan for the worst and hope for the best. It's best to be completely prepared for the worst case scenario so we don't have to worry about any of this once it comes time to deliver. With everything planned we can just hope that things turn out for the best and we don't have use all the stuff we have put in place. I completely agree. I feel better having some sort of plan and now we can relax and try to enjoy the rest of this pregancy.

(I know I said they would get shorter but it's been a crazy week lol)


  1. I think I responded to your inquiry on facebook, but saw your link on another CH 18 family's blog. I am in Utah too!! My son was born with Ring 18 and your story (although I was not carrying twins) is extremely similar to ours. Check out our blog, I am going to make it private soon, but I haven't gotten around to it. Scroll back into our history (our son is now 5)and you will be able to learn our story.

  2. It sounds like you have an exemplary hospice service. Not many would suggest that you can change your mind at any time. What a relief it must be not to be tied to decisions before the baby is even born!

  3. Annie- Yes the hospice group here is amazing. Unfortunately they don't have much say once the baby is here. Luckily I have other moms who have fought the fight here in Utah for Trisomy children and have a lot of resources available to me.
