Wow- I am quite the slacker. I am sorry that I haven't been updating this more often! Life is crazy but really- when is it not? haha
Been back at work now for 2 months. I was really worried about the stores they gave me but it has ended up being a blessing in disguise! I really enjoy my visits and they are doing well. I really have to step outside my box and be more aggressive than I am used to but when I do, great things happen!
I am finishing up my second class this semester, and then I will have 2 left plus my capstone before I will be awarded my MBA. If I push really hard, I can be done by the end of September of this year. That would be one full semester early. I honestly am not sure what I would do with all the extra time!! Maybe clean the house? haha I have even gone as far as to find out what it would take to get an additional bachelors degree in marketing or accounting. Have I completely lost my mind?! I have been going to school now since 2006 without a break. Certainly I should be more than ready to stop right? But it's only 4 more classes and a capstone, to get a degree that is more specialized. An MBA is so broad, I worry I won't be able to find a job since it's not very specific. My thought is that if I were to get an additional BS degree in either accounting or marketing, it would make me more enticing to employers. Not that I plan to leave Verizon any time soon- just want to keep my options open.
Audrina is getting SOOO big. And I am not just saying that! She is in the upper 90% for both height and weight. Apparently I have giant children that grow like weeds haha. She was over 15 pounds at her 4 month check up and 25.5 inches long. Goodness gracious! Not bad when she started at 7 pounds and 20 inches. Haha She can already roll over and is quite the talker. Amden never talked much as a baby but not we can't get him to be quiet. Maybe she will be a quiet toddler (we can only hope haha) She has been sleeping through the night since about 8 weeks which is very helpful with my crazy schedule. Oh and her brown hair- ya it's mostly blonde now. Looks like we are going to have another blonde hair, blue eyed child on our hands.
We have a trip planned in July to go and visit my family. I am renting a cabana at the pool at our hotel so we can lounge by the pool and keep the kids in the shade. They are even going to move stuff around to accommodate our pack and play. I am finishing up my round of HCG in the next couple days. I have lost 32 pounds so far and I am hopping to lose another 3.6 in the next couple days for a total of 35.6 pounds this round. I am taking a break and then will do my final round in August which will hopefully put me at my goal weight and healthy BMI.
Amden is fully potty trained and has been for several weeks now! He occasionally has an accident at night, but he hasn't had an accident during the day for weeks! We are very proud of him! He can sing his abc's and is even counting past 10 now! We are starting swim lessons in a couple weeks, and he is very excited. We are also growing a garden with peas, carrots, peppers and tomatoes (I think haha). Hard to believe he is going to be 3 in October! He is so big that we sometimes forget he is only 2- until he acts like he is 2 if ya know what I mean haha
I go to visit Adrian twice a week to decorate his space and then to clean it up so they can mow. I have bought him a bunch of decorations to make his space special. Pin wheels, stuffed animals and angel statues. Grandma Renae also stops by and leaves him little gifts which I am sure he enjoys! We have finally put the order in for his marker. I just have to go pick out the shade of blue I want to use. I am really happy with what we came up with and so glad I found this company to do the custom work for us! They are going to change the little girl non the moon to a boy and of course fix the misspelled word but overall it's perfect! We walked in Running With The Angels in his memory and it was so awesome that so many of my friends, family and even coworkers came to support. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful walk!
Well that is what we are up to these days. Of course I will say that I will try to be better about keeping this updated but we all know how well I keep that promise! hahah