Friday, December 2, 2011

No Babies!! Not Yet!!

Well today marks 30 weeks!! YAYAY. Such a great feeling. With every additional week I get, the stronger and bigger the babies get and the less NICU time we will have. Right now my goal truly is to make it through Christmas and we really ARE NOT ready to let these babies make their entrance just yet. The babies on the other hand, well they sort of have their own plans.

So yesterday I had my checkup with my OB. I have been having some contractions, more than usual, but they haven't been consistent or really painful. In fact they really are just more annoying than anything. Unfortunately it appears they are working better than the doctors thought. I am now dilated to 2 almost 3cm. Originally when my doctor checked me, both babies were head down and Audrina was at either a -3 or -2 station. This is the first time her head has truly been engaged as if she would be making her escape at any moment.  These results landed me in labor and delivery for a few hours. Let me tell you what a JOY that it is. LOL My good phone was dead so I had to resort to playing bejeweled on my really old phone. Needless to say the time went by really slowly.

After 2 hours my OB came back to check on me again. My uterus was being very irritable (wonder who it gets that from?) but no real contractions.. well at least none they were worried about. I didn't dilate any more over the course of the 2 hours and Audrina's lil head floated back up so we were no longer engaged and ready to go. This was great news. All my tests came back negative which meant we had no idea why I was contracting so much (it wasn't due to any infections) and my fetal fibernectin test was also negative which means there is about a 90% chance I WON'T go into labor in the next two weeks. This all meant I got to go home!!! WOOO HOOOO

I am now on procardia which is a stronger version of what I was taking before to stop the contractions. I also have the nifedipine to take if I have "break through" contractions, even while on the stronger meds. It also looks like I am back to weekly appointments with the OB, at least for now, and I am on STRICT bedrest. I guess that means I can ride those cool automatic wheel chairs at the grocery store right? Hahah

My mother in law and husband are going to finish painting the nursery this weekend. Who would have thought that a room THAT SMALL would take us so freaking long to finish. I will never do red again, but for now I keep reminding myself how cute it will be when it is all done. My uncle is driving up this weekend to help me entertain Amden while KC is busy in the nursery and I still have plenty of homework to keep my busy for the next few weeks. I do not want to end up on hospital bedrest so it really is time for me to start listening to the doctors. My 2 year old is so excited for christmas, and I would truly hate to miss it because of my stubbornness.

Last time we had a scare like this was about 5 weeks ago. No changes in 5 weeks is actually pretty good! In fact, if I can continue to repeat that pattern, well I will be pregnant for almost ever! haha


  1. Allison, I certainly will! Once we have it all done I will be sure to post pics for every one to see!
