Monday, December 12, 2011

Sometimes I wonder...

My maternal fetal medicine clinic is in the same hospital as my OB and where I planned to deliver. It makes it easy since I can usually plan my appointments to be on the same day, and only end up at the hospital a few times a week. Unfortunately there are several doctors in this office, and for whatever reason I never actually hooked up with one specific doctor. Because of this, I typically see a new doctor every time I go in. At first this was AWFUL! Every time I went in, they would talk about the fatal diagnosis and what it meant for my baby etc etc. There were a LOT of tears in the beginning of my pregnancy. But as time went on, most of the doctors had seen me at least once and understood that I was pretty smart, and that they didn't need to go through the details every time I came in. I started seeing repeats and it wasn't so bad. Until today.

I don't know if this doctor was new or what, but it was like she had no idea what my history was or why I was there. She proceeded to explain that it appeared that baby B (Adrian) had a lot of fluid, and was measuring behind but was still within the normal ranges. Really? NO WAY! Too much fluid? I had no idea! (insert eye rolls here) I explained that we had talked about doing an amnio to reduce some of the fluid, and asked if she knew when they planned to do it. She responded that they could do it any time. In fact they could do it right then if I wanted them to, or I could just have my OB schedule one. AHHHHHHHHHHHH I wanted to scream.  Instead I politely explained that I was there by myself so today would not work, and that my OB shouldn't really need to schedule it since this was something we had been planning on doing since 11 weeks. She walked me to the front to get one scheduled and that was the end of my appointment.

I scheduled my amnio for tomorrow at 2pm so that KC could drive me to the appointment. I knew from my own research, that I really shouldn't plan to drive after or do much of anything for 48 hours after the amnio. They didn't give me any info. Nothing on how to prepare or what to expect, nothing. It's days like today that I wish I could switch MFM offices to one that maybe cared a bit more about me and my babies, but I am already 31 weeks and we sort of expect these babies to be born in the next 3-4 weeks. I called my OB and she did my steroid shot booster in case the amnio causes me to go into labor, even though she mentioned at my last appointment that MFM should be able to do it if they schedule me before my next appointment with her. It just all seems like some big joke lol

I have set up a pediatric surgery consult for Adrian in regards to his omphalocele and I have that on Friday. This should let me know if I can have a vaginal birth or not, and what the process would entail to have his omphalocele fixed should he survive after birth.

Adrian measured in at about 29weeks 5 days and 2 pounds 15 ounces (almost 3 pounds!)

Audrina measured in at 31 weeks 5 days and 4 pounds.

Wish me luck tomorrow and I will update as the week progresses and I make it through the 10,000 appointments I have this week.

1 comment:

  1. i don't know if you remember me - i used to frequent as kri (bossmarshin), but that really is either here nor there. i wound up on your blog through facebook and i just wanted to comment to let you know that i am sending so many good thoughts your way. i am hoping for the best for you, your husband, and all 3 of your babies. <3
